University Munch!

Hey there!

Welcome to University Munch! 
University Munch! is made by students and we understand that living can be hard for us. We love food, although on our budget we cant eat like kings; and beans on toast gets a bit boring after 5 days in a row. So here we have recipes for you that are cheap and yummy and designed around your needs.

We know that not everyones the same and we don't always feel the same; sometimes we feel like a spicy curry, sometimes we feel like a light salad and sometimes we just want a bacon sandwich to cure that feeling from all the vodka red bulls we had last night. On University Munch! we hope you can find the recipe that suits your mood.

On University Munch we only have two rules... 
It must be cheap!
It must be yummy!

So have a look at our recipes and tell us what you think and if you have any recipes we dont feel free to send us them!

By the way were in the process of creating this blog recipes have been put up in some areas and many more will be constantly posted which you can comment on.